Train & Share your AllNet Story, WIN prizes, get insta-fame across our 100K+ Worldwide Online Community and more...



1st Place - $300 giftcard  + AllNet T-shirt
2nd Place -  $150 Kicks of your choice + AllNet T-shirt
3rd Place - $100 Nike Gift Card + AllNet T-shirt 
4th-10th Place - AllNet T-shirt  + Featured on AllNet Social Media



  1. Train & Record a short video (1-3 minutes) showing us how using AllNet has helped transform your basketball game - get creative. 
  2. Follow us on INSTA
  3. Post the video on your Facebook/Youtube/Instagram with the hashtag #ALLNETSHOOTER #BEATHREAT
  4. Tag 5+ friends or family that love basketball
  5. Email Us the link below or DM us on Instagram
  6. We select the best Story & announce the Winner!

YOU and YOUR STORY is why we do this. On behalf of everyone on the AllNet team, THANK YOU for supporting us as we are doing our best to support YOU being the best basketball shooter you can possibly be.


  Team AllNet
* Winners get selected after every 100 submissions.